In May, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused the CIA of lying to Congress about the use of enhanced interrogation techniques. However, since then, she still has not given any evidence to support this claim. In fact, in that time span, she hasn't even talked about the issue, dismissing any questions pertaining to her claim at her weekly press conferences.
House Minority Leader John Boehner is trying to keep the pressure on Pelosi to answer the questions that come with her assertion:
"She's made this outrageous claim and believes that it's just all going to go away. Well, trust me: It's not going to go away. And I think the silence from Speaker Pelosi is deafening."
At her press conference, Pelosi stated, "I've said what I'm going to say on that subject".
Wait a second: she says the CIA lied to Congress, a federal offense, gives no evidence to support this allegation, and opposes an investigation to determine if what she said is true, but has no more to say? Personally, I would like to hear some evidence, if there is any, or an apology for undermining the CIA. But it’s not like either of those are going to actually happen.
Meanwhile, Pelosi has put fiscal responsibility through cutting waste as a top priority. She states, "Fiscal discipline is one of the key components of how we go forward". Really? For someone that voted for the $3.6 trillion budget, with a record-shattering $1.8 trillion deficit, this is ironic.
Also, let's not forget, in the "Stimulus" bill, Pelosi received $30 million for wetlands restoration in the San Francisco Bay Area to protect the salt marsh harvest mouse. Great example of fiscal discipline, Nancy!
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake warns that our federal deficit poses a risk to our nation’s fiscal stability. He states that unless we “demonstrate a strong commitment to fiscal sustainability in the longer term, we will have neither financial stability nor healthy economic growth.” And does quadrupling the budget deficit sound sustainable?
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